I was feeling like I was finally getting a bit of
energy back - not having to sleep as much throughout the day to cope.
But today these silly little questions came
creeping up behind my back again and gave me a proper scare.
if things never get better? What if I never improve to the extent that I'm able
to function like I should do?"
This probably is down to the tiny cold I caught while
not isolating myself at home...
But will every little bug attack my lungs and nibble
away at them? There's not much left to munch on.
Every cold seems to set me back, leaving me in a worse
condition than I was before. It's a vicious circle and right now I don't feel
like there's an escape!
I'm not saying there isn't one...but I'm fed up with not being able to find the right key to the locked door.
I'm not saying there isn't one...but I'm fed up with not being able to find the right key to the locked door.
It's like I'm living in a bubble - and this bubble
does keep me safe a lot of the time. But unfortunately it isn't particularly
strong and doesn't carry me far. It pops so easily - then when I least expect
it to.
Dear Doctors,
We've had a really difficult time and I'm more than
aware of the fact that treating me hasn't been and still isn't easy!
I know you are trying your best - but believe me, so
am I...not just trying ever so hard to be a good patient, but also trying to believe
you really don't have a magic wand, secretly hiding somewhere.
Sometimes I wonder if you are satisfied with my
current health situation, or if you forget that it's a 19-year-old who is
sitting in front of you, not a fragile 90-year-old.
Right now I'm lying in my bed with three pillows piled
up behind me to make my breathing a tiny bit easier. Got my oxygen concentrator
turned right up but still can't get my O2 levels above 90%...hence the
splitting headache I have at the moment.
Even reaching over to my cup of tea which is standing
right next to me is making me feel like I just ran a marathon.
So what do I do now? I guess the aswer is: Wait. Wait
for things to improve again…
Actually I have so many questions I’d like to ask you
– But I don’t, because I’m scared you won’t be able to give me the answer I’d
like to hear.
Best wishes,
Hoffe so sehr, dass es dir bald besser geht und du sehr, sehr viele schöne Tage erleben kannst und du dein Leben so gestalten kannst, wie du es möchtest. Drücke dir ganz fest die Daumen und denke an dich. ♥
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