
Samstag, 30. Juni 2018

Cat righting reflex

I have been busy living a cat life.
Literally and metaphorically.

I blame not updating my blog on writer's block and the inability of me finding the right words to describe the whirlwind of emotions I experienced over the last months.

It terrifies me to think that I reached a point where I was actually convinced that I didn't stand a cat in hell's chance of getting better. My mental and physical health both were heading downwards in a seemingly free fall. 
I was completely exhausted and at my wits' end.

I would have landed flat on my back if it wasn't for the unconditional love from my family, the endless support from some very special friends and the help I received from the doctors and nurses caring for me.

Landing on my feet was the solid foundation I needed to put things back into perspective. Slowly but surely I was able to rebuild some of  what I had lost. Regaining independence was a huge milestone. I advanced from being pushed around in a wheelchair to whizzing around on an electrical scooter. The day I walked 2 km surrounded by nature I knew I was actually living again. 

Cat righting reflex 

I feel ready but equally scared starting this new chapter. 
Adrenalin from excitement definitely will help me to push through the first weeks of university but I know I have set myself up for failure if I don't make some drastic changes. 
I need to work on letting go of my "all or nothing mindset" and actually start pacing myself sensibly. I worked too hard on getting my health back to this point to simply undo all this progress again. 
Just knowing it's up to me to decide if I can do it has put my mind at ease. 

This has been a huge accomplishment so far and I'm growing with this challenge no matter what!

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