
Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2015

The Magic Potion‏

It wasn't an easy process getting to the point where I am now.

"We've been doing this for two years"
Two long, long years....and still it feels like I wasn't given enough time to really come to terms with what had happened. Especially at the beginning of this journey things were changing so fast I didn't have the slightest chance to float with the current - instead I was just barely holding my head above the water, trying not to drown.

There have been moments where I've been so frustrated that all I could do was sit in front of you with tears streaming down my face and was ready to throw the towel in.
Moments where I felt no one and nothing could stop me - but then realized it wasn't that easy and a positive attitude wouldn't make everything better.

Actually a lot of things we were trying weren't really showing the results we were hoping for. In fact we were reaching the point where we couldn't carry on ignoring that the amount of medication I was needing to keep my lungs semi happy was absolutely ridiculous - and slowly but surely destroying my body.

In my case medicine really doesn't provide this magic pill - but in a way something magical did happen after getting this email from my consultant.
I was able to receive Mepolizumab or how I like calling it, the “magic potion” through a Named Patient Programme - which means I don't have to wait until this particular medication gets approved and available here in Austria.
This only was possible because I had a doctor standing behind me, pushing and really fighting to find a treatment for me. Thank you! 

Unfortunately this medication didn't magically make everything better, neither will it. My lungs still enjoy misbehaving, I sleep with an oxygen tube wrapped around my face and probably need more rest than a baby...

6th admistration of Mepo
But I'm managing to go to University and was able to reduce my steroid dose without my lungs having a complete tantrum.
In other words: Yes I'm still far away of a good age appropriate general health, but I don't feel like I'm stuck in a constant down spiral anymore.

So maybe Mepolizumab has been this "magic pill" after all...
Who knows where I'd be without it right now.

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